Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Music Ministry

In our parish, focus on music has become a major theme. The ministry and outreach of our relationship with a number of musical societies and groups has raised our profile within the greater community. We welcome people from beyond our parish and our faith to share the gift of music with us.

However, the major thrust of our music ministry is and will continue to be its role in our public worship. Music within the context of Christian ministry is not based on performance but rather on participation and prayer. In the same way that lay readers lead us in spoken prayer or lectors lead us in proclaiming the Word of God in Scripture, our musicians lead us in our sung prayer. They help to create an atmosphere of reflection in prayer through music. They help us praise our God with voices and bells lifted in anthems of celebration. They help to comfort in hymns of faith and consolation at funerals of our parish members.

At St John’s we are blessed to have a Chancel choir, Junior Choir, Bell Choir, Tone Chime Choir, organists, choir directors, and a Chimer who each in there own ways lead us in musical praise.

Contact: Barbara Butler624-0506, Sharon Hill 634-8781, Peter Allen 634-4668

More about Music at St. John's

Pastoral Visitation Ministry

Although there has been pastoral visitation ministry in the parish in the past, this group has been re-energized as of the fall of 2007. Members of our parish community are either in nursing home (Harbour View Haven) or otherwise unable to be active in in parish life. Bringing the presence of the church community to these people who are no longer able to come to church also allows them to remain connected to parish life.

This ministry is fortunate to have members who visit residents of Harbour View Haven on a regular basis. Additionally in pairs, members of this ministry visit over 20 home bound parishioners. Members also meet regularly to review any concerns or needs which those visited may have and to communicate them to the rector and the parish..

Contact: Charlene Demone 543-5753

Prayer & Healing Ministry

The Prayer and Healing ministry at St. John’s is currently focused on intercessory, healing prayer. We maintain a list of people for whom prayer has been requested. We also hold services of wholeness and healing on an irregular basis. Anyone who desires prayer for themselves or their loved ones are encouraged to call us or the parish office to have these intentions added to the list for which the ministry team continually prays. Your intention, at your request, can be added to the intentions at Sunday Eucharist.

Last year, the Prayer Chapel was established in the Church for quiet reflection, prayer and meditation whenever the church is open.. In the future we intend to offer sessions on prayer and make connections with other Christian healing ministries and other churches who regularly hold healing services.

Contact: Sandra MacDonald 634-4657

Spiritual Development Ministry

Our faith is expressed and strengthened most often in two ways. The first is our personal life of prayer and relationship with God. The second is our common expression of faith in the celebration of the church’s sacraments and other forms of common worship. The ministry of spiritual development tries to educate, lead, and inspire these two aspects of our faith lives. At its most basic, spiritual development is what the whole of our faith lives is about. Therefore, anyone involved in the continuing development of our faith lives is involved in spiritual development ministry. For those of us who specifically identify as part of this ministry in St. John’s, the focus is on helping the parish community and parishioners individually to grow in their spiritual lives through education programs, Bible studies, and by providing resources for growth.

We hope to be able to continue to contribute to the life of our church in these ways. We also hope to be facilitators and helpers to other ministries in the parish as they, each in their own way, help us to grow in our lives of the Spirit.

Contact: Louis Quennelle 527-0122

Youth Ministry

Sunday School: Christian Education of Children

The education of children is recognized as one of the most important tasks of our society. If we hold that our faith is central to our lives, their education in that faith is doubly important. From nursery to preschool to school age we provide the opportunity of Sunday School for families to help educate their children in our faith. We prepare them for participation in the sacraments - Holy Communion & Confirmation.

As adults we must all ‘confirm’ the faith and church into which we have been baptised. If we are to make an enlightened answer to God’s call to us, if we are to walk through the door to the gift of faith, the Christian education of children must be a central ministry in our parish.

Contact: Jane Lordly 634 3344, or Jennifer Green-Heisler 640-2088

Lay Readers

Other than our Rector, Lay readers are probably the most visible in their ministry within the parish. Every Sunday they lead us in praying the Psalms and in intercessory prayer (Prayers of the People). They assist at the altar and distribution of communion. Occasionally they lead us in Morning Prayer and preach.

“The office of Lay Reader is intended to be and opportunity for ministry of the Spirit in which and individual can respond to the call to be helpful in building up the body of Christ. It must be recognized, however, that this ministry is more than solely liturgical. It may involve one or more other areas such as pastoral care, Christian education, social action and parish administration, Lay readers, therefore, have the responsibility to develop their special talents so that the unity of Faith may be realized by all.” (From : Lay Reader Handbook of Standards and Regulations)

Contact: Roger Demone 543-5753

Lay Readers Schedule